Wednesday, August 8, 2012


so this morning I would like to invite all CHICK NORRIS  jokes and comments- in honor of his latest acting debut on " The Expendables 2" which all the other actors look old and non wrinkled ( thanks PLASTIC SURGEON'S OF BEVERLY HILLS!) feel free to comment on the abilities of the CHUCK-ster below...

  • Cody Sherratt When the boogy man goes to bed at night he checks his closet for chuck Norris

  • Cody Sherratt Chuck Norris can blow bubbles with beef jerky

  • Cody Sherratt Chuck Norris can unscramble an egg............. Chuck Norris battled ash in pokemon once.... All he did was stare.. He won by a landslide.. literally ..

  • Robynne Banks Chuck Norris hates trailer parks, those aren't tornadoes.....

  • Hayden Evans Chuck Norris once beat up a parking spot... It's now handicap!!

  • Wesley Swaney Chuck put the sword in the stone...chuck Norris once visited The Virgin Islands, when he came home home they were just The Islands.

  • Alan Rands Chuck Norris sleeps with a nightlight because the dark is afraid of him. When Chuck Norris does a push-up he doesn't push himself up, he pushes the world down.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

HAPPY 4th!!!!

hey there!!! while we celebrate the  happy holidays, lets remember some things....

1. PLEASE be mindful and use COMMON sense !!!!

2. if you are going to light off fireworks, BE CAREFUL!!!!!!!!


4. Have fun!!! but use COMMON sense meaning ...if the fireworks say don't light in your hand ... DON'T DO IT! if the hill starts on fire due to the city  fireworks...MOVE OUT OF THE WAY of EMERGENCY TRUCKS!! if you are going out and driving on the roads this weekend...use COMMON sense...use your turn signal..MEN>>>> no tailgating  ( no matter how road rage you are)

Take the time to spend it with your families cuz life is short... YOU NEVER know what or who may happen!!!  that is all-

thanks for reading the rant, this rant brought to you by _______________ insert your sponsor here!

Monday, June 25, 2012


hey there! I have to admit its been a long time since I last Blogged! I deeply apologize!

We have a new concept...GARGOYLING!!!!

I am still not sure on the spelling ( and those who know me know I HATE SPELLING) we are asking our listeners to send us pic of them GARGOYLING!!! could be on the wall at work.. on the bus... in your bathroom...if you send us pics of you in the bathroom, make sure all is good ya know what I mean? but seriously send us your pics of you or people you know GARGOYLING!!!! if we still had an intern we would make him/her do it , but the last intern did not last!!! as always have a great day and thanks for being our listeners or in this case our readers!!!

Thursday, May 3, 2012


this morning we were thinking ( rob and I )
 Where is our resident Roadrunner George?  he is usually around the station around 7 looking for snakes and stuff to eat.  as the day progressed, NO GEORGE!!!
 I then had to tell Robert that I had in fact seen a squished roadrunner on the way up the hill from our studio. Rob thinks it was me and I have no alibi except for the fact that I KNOW it was already gone, now we are getting all kinds of suggestions from the listeners as to what we should do... Taxidermist? STUFF him? take a picture to put on the wall? REALLLLLLY ewwwww
I on most days am ok with moving road kill if its in my way by just thumping over it with the car, but this has now been taken to a whole new level.

Now we have a local CSI investigator trying to match the paint transfer on the ROADRUNNER to my car! pshhh as if they can match it , I mean GOOD LUCK TO THE INVESTIGATOR and ROB if you read this I PLEAD the 5th!!!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

I need a doctor-----

This morning as Rob and I both get to work , I look across the studio and his eyes are barley open, My eyes are so heavy that I can hardly move. I ask " why is it that you are so sleepy ?"
Rob had 3 kids in his bed and found it really hard to sleep.  I on the other hand had NIGHTMARES, not the kind that you just get up ,get a drink of water and then go back to sleep.

has anyone out there had the re-occurring nightmare, like the kind you go back to sleep and its like you un-paused a DVD? this nightmare took place exactly where it left off when I woke up... I have this fear of the water when by my self that if I can not see the bottom of the water .I think that there is something in it! I fall back asleep and keep dreaming that I am on a boat  out at lake Powell and I get thrown outta the boat and all I can see is the water above I am slowly sinking into the depths I can see the sunlight in the water and fell how cool the water is . and now matter how many times I woke up ( 4) my dream takes off  from the same spot it was at when I woke!

does anyone out there do dream analyzed? We need to have my dream interpreted  on the morning show...any takers?

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


today we placed a prank call to win some Justin Beiber tickets... It ended in a lady hanging up on us...

so if you were to prank someone around you how would you do it?

office prank?
school prank?
food prank or would that be like fear factor?

Friday, April 20, 2012


 so both Rob and I are trying this new thing called BODY SCULPTING-

now for me, I think of body sculpting as a way to get all 18 OERO'S inside my belly without it looking like I swallowed a JENGA stack!

 for Rob its been as easy as no POP, SODA, DR.PEPPER, what ever you may like to call it....he stopped drinking it and has lost like 9 LBS---GRASSSSSSS ( if you know us that is our substitute word)

I stop drinking soda and all I do is crave chips and other BAD stuff!

so we go EVERY Friday to DR.POPPY's office and get an hour of ultrasound treatment done on our target areas, I have to say I was a skeptic at first , but when I came out of the office 2 inches less on my pony Keg of a belly, I thought hmmm this may work! now this is not a wrap your body in all  kinds of material and then squeeze  it ..this is PAIN free- I am a huge baby when it comes to any pain at all, I seriously just listened to my ipod the whole time!!!

Rob has lost a total of 2 and some inches and to add another person into the mix we added DEVIN DIXON from 1210 Sports Radio as well!
only time will tell what is really gonna happen but I am excited as summer quickly approaches, I WILL be swimsuit ready!

you too can try it out by giving DR.POPPY a jingle at

(435) 656-2888 say you heard it on the B- and he will give you a special discount on your first visit!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

melted into your noggin!

As I am getting ready for work this morning ( 5AM ) all the sudden KUNG FU FIGHTING pops into my head.... as I drive to work KUNG FU FIGHTING is still in the I am climbing the stairs to the studio, I find myself walking to the beat of KUNG FU FIGHTING ... now all I can think of is who sings that song? I get the the interwebs and type it in...ahhh at last singing at FULL DECIBELS---KUNG FU FIGHTING!!!!!!

btw- the song that gets melted into your brains?????? leave the comments below!!!!

Good DAY!!!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

PAY IT FORWARD-caution this may cause some misty eyes!

just at the local grocery store where I am there so often they all know my name... a lady in front of me who was very down on her luck ( thanks Obama) and obviously living on social security... is paying for her  three items... Mac and Cheese, top ramen and some tuna she swipes her card the check out clerk says " um Mam I am sorry but you only have 3 dollars that is NOT enough to cover your stuff"
as the lady gets red in the face remarks " I just checked it yesterday and I know I had enough , can you please run it again?" I fell the urge to step in...just as I open my mouth the couple behind me scoff and start whispering stuff like maybe she should have double checked and can she please just hurry up!
THEN I GET MAD... I tell the clerk, I will take on the whole $ 10 dollars worth , the clerk says to me " really Dez, its ok"   I calmly and NON emotionally ( those of you who know me can attest when I get upset I RARELY act NON EMOTIONALLY) say I GOT THIS!!!! I paid for the elderly ladies stuff and then spun on my cank-els, to SMIRK and give the look of death to the couple behind ! then look at the elderly lady and say I will help you since others seem to not control their mouths I GOT THIS!!
again I am somehow urged to help her to her car ,  at this point tears are welling inside me , I am trying to keep it together, as I approach the elderly ladies car  she gets outta her wheel chair and says..." you know there are some people who get life and some who think they have it all together, I was not always this way, I started out fruitful , happy and young and just like you young lady, I hope that others come to strangers aid because in the end that is what its all about"

I now have tears running down my cheeks and get to my car , shut the door and think, WE SHOULD ALL BE ABLE TO PAY IT FORWARD some way or another... here i was stressing about if I have enough $$$ to get me to the next payday after all my bills and here was a lady who just needed some help for the meager items she needed to get by!

A SMILE, a HI when passing by, a little bit of joy and PAYING  IT FORWARD any way you can! LESSON LEARNED!!!

Man Stuff

today on the show we talked about the things that a man should never wear...such as

and the list kepps growing...if you would like to add you comment to the list  go to!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


so we have a great meeting last week...learned how to PLAY at work and BE THERE and to MAKE SOMEONES DAY--also learned about Toxic waste dumps!

let me be the first to tell you, if you won a prize here at Cherry Creek Radio , and you come to the station to pick it up...YOU WILL BE SURPRISED!!! please arrive and know that you must wear proper photo taking attire! ha HA HA-

then let me be the second one to tell you that ROB makes TOXIC WASTE DUMPs every morning so, if you happen to hear JUST ME on the radio. I dunno between 8-9am that is why!

then let me thirdly tell you I will strive to make the FISH meeting last FOR-EVER ( insert your sound clip of the Sandlot here)

That is all!

Monday, April 16, 2012


ok folks let me start out by saying I LOVE ANIMALS!!!
just not 2 puppies that my Hubby decided to get, on top of the two we already have!~
I have named them the TERRORIST TWINS- here are some rules I FORGOT about having puppies...

if you have any shoes that are your favorite- they will be gone in about 15 min
if you have to wake up at 5 AM there will be a few presents for you in the hallway
if you thought you had a bedroom door-FORGET it it will be repeatedly rammed until you open it for them
if you liked having clean kitchen floors- DON'T
if you always wanted a carpet cleaner ( HEAVY on the  SARCASTIC) surprise- you will get one!

and if you thought you puppy days were over....MARRY AN ANIMAL HOARDER!!!
I am sure I will grow to love them as much as the others

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

April- Dez is addicted to PINTEREST

Sooo every morning , fail not Dez is on Pinterest! So far she has made me try a few of the recipes and some are great and some she should NEVER EVER make again... Not sure if it was her cooking or the fact that there were only  a few items in the recipe. have you made an item from Pinterest? if so please share

Monday, March 26, 2012

PIMP YOUR PROM - Let B92.1 and Lauren James Bridal PIMP YOUR PROM

 I wish we had stuff like this around when I went to prom back in 1905-so we started this lil thing called " Pimp My Prom"- its taken off like wildfire- here how its going down- Register for your chance to win at Lauren James Bridal located at 144 W Brigham Road- Bloomington Courtyard,if your name is drawn from the entry box you win -
for the girls
FREE dress from Laruen James Bridal
gift certificate for Tux rental for date
Flowers  for both of you from -My Favorite Flowers
Dinner for two at RIVERWALK Grill
and a Chauffeur from Executive Auto

for the guys- everything the same except FREE TUX rental and certificate towards the dress from Lauren James Bridal!n PIMP MY PROM!!!!!



This whole promotion  went so well ending up in an early morning winner- read below!

FM Radio B92 and Executive Auto's Hands-On Car Promotion at 543 North Bluff Street began Wednesday, March 21, 2012 at 5:00PM with 26 participants selected in a random drawing from entry registrations at the dealership.

Saturday morning at 5:27AM Robert Williams was declared the winner of the marathon "Hands-On Car" grand prize - a 2001 Chevrolet Impala in good condition with free oil changes for a year. 

Rabbit Downward, President and Owner of Executive Auto Group, told KCSG News "from 4:00AM to 5:30AM Saturday morning it got crazy." 

"Melvin Johnson said he was done and removed himself from the contest at 4:15AM. Then Shellie Cox was telling a story and her hand lifted off the car about 6-inches about 5:00AM," Downward said. "She just sat there for three-minutes in total disbelief."

About 5:27AM Jennifer Cook started to organize the things that she had around her on the trunk, picked them up and walked away not seeing anyone else on the car or around her assuming the contest was on break or that it was over," Downward told KCSG. 

"That left Robbie Williams the winner of the FM Radio Station B92 and Executive Auto's "Hands-On" contest winning a 2001 Chevrolet Impala with free oil changes for one-year," he said. 

Downward said it took a few minutes for Williams to realize he was the winner. The exhausted contestants and dealership staff gathered at noon for a three-hour "Hands-On Celebration" with FM Radio Station B92 & Executive Auto Group located at 543 North Bluff Street in St. George. 

Downward thanked those who participated and the public for their support during the 60-hour and 27-minute "Hands-On" Marathon, and congratulated Robbie Williams on becoming the FM Radio B92 - Executive Auto Group "2012 Hands-On" Winner.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

MARCH -hmmm so far so good

so as we start out this month we have been visited by our Corporate program director cuz of our Whitney Houston jokes...been talked to by our boss for the WHITNEY HOUSTON jokes and been told on to the Big boss for our WHITNEY HOUSTON jokes not in that order..... so we decided , NO MORE WHITNEY HOUSTON jokes HA

the next big thing is our HANDS ON car give a-way....tune in to find out how to get qualified , Rabbit from Excuative Auto will be in Every Tuesday around 8:30 to draw some names from his box of entries, THE BIG CONTEST WILL TAKE PLACE ON MARCH 21st!

we also are announcing that ROB and DEZ will be asking 4 couples to attend- HIGH SCHOOL dances- by Dez asking the guys and Rob asking the Girls!!! go to Lauren James Bridal and enter your name and how you would like us to ask you date to join you at will be drawn and the FUN will BEGIN...details coming soon!

also this month we need to do another B-RACK----if you know someone who could benefit from a RANDOM ACT OF KINDNESS...let us know by sendin' us an email

Tune in weekday mornings from 6-10 to hear the madness and mayhem!

Friday, February 17, 2012


so the other day Rob and I are sitting in a promotions meeting and our Sales Manager says " Thanks Bro"
Our sales man is like 60 something, we thought it was funny but could NOT comment at the time...well oh hell we commented on it during our show and received a plethora of comments... like a person who is watching brokeback mtn is a BRO-MO....


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

lots to talk about this start of the new YEAR!!!

Hey peeps! Dez here, so far this year we have talked about football,sports teams, baby names , and much, much more! If there is a topic that you would like us to talk about feel free to text us at 767-1494... we strive to answer most text messages unless you are "JUSTIN the trucker" and then we try not to blush as we read them! hahahaa but on a serious note... if there is something that YOU the listener would like to hear us talk about or that you would like to contribute to text us UP!!
"OUR ratings "according to all -JULIE'S- asked  show that we are in the top 3 for southern Utah Radio thanks to all you listen and KEEP LISTENING for more awesomsauce stuff to happen